
Features·Detectsinsertionofdiscusingudev·Determinesdisctype...Ifvideo(Blu-rayorDVD)·Headless,designedtoberunfromaserver·Canripfrom ...,BrennanB3(2TBBlack)HiFi-HardDiskCDRipper&Recorder,StorageandPlayerwithBluetooth,InternetRadio,StereoPowerAmplifier,NAS,Wav,Lossless( ...,DELAD100-CDRippingMachine·導入的文件直接在設備中保留存檔質量。·掃描的文件作為FLAC或(可選)存儲在硬盤上作為WAV文件;元數...

Automatic Ripping Machine (ARM) Scripts

Features · Detects insertion of disc using udev · Determines disc type... If video (Blu-ray or DVD) · Headless, designed to be run from a server · Can rip from ...

CD Ripper

Brennan B3 (2TB Black) HiFi - Hard Disk CD Ripper & Recorder, Storage and Player with Bluetooth, Internet Radio, Stereo Power Amplifier, NAS, Wav, Lossless ( ...

DELA D100 - CD Ripping Machine

DELA D100 - CD Ripping Machine · 導入的文件直接在設備中保留存檔質量。 · 掃描的文件作為FLAC或(可選)存儲在硬盤上作為WAV文件; 元數據包括直接嵌入的封面。 · USB/ ...

Home · automatic-ripping

Insert an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD, CD) and checks to see if it's audio, video (Movie or TV), or data, then rips it.

Rip your CD collection with Autoloader

Hands-Free Music CD Ripping. Nimbie USB Plus is an auto disc loading device that is capable of converting music CDs to digital formats automatically.

The best CD rippers 2024

2024年1月18日 — 2. dbPowerAmp ... dBpoweramp is a premium CD ripper (a license for a single PC costs $39/£31/AU$39), but you can try it free for 21 days to make ...

Ultimate Ripping Machine

DELA D100 - CD Ripping Machine from $6,800.00. DELA D100 - CD Ripping Machine. HK$9,800.00.